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New Release

The Six Realms strive to impose their will upon the Prime – controlling all life and things on Earth. The Arbiter is the only one who can stop them.

Worse, Fate has predicted that Rowan must sacrifice one of his friends.

Will it be Holly, the young woman he’s known since first grade, the one who is closer to him than his own sisters are?


A heart-wrenching military and psychological thriller with Christian undertones that navigates the treacherous landscape of war while delving deep into a human psyche on a path to redemption


An explosion at his reclusive neighbor’s house launches Rowan on an adventure of epic proportions…

A journey that would reveal mysteries, a betrayal, horrific choices, great sacrifices, and would ultimately decide the fate of every living being on Earth—

Because Rowan is the Last Arbiter.

What Readers Are Saying

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accu santium doloremque lauda ntium.

Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet conse ctetur conse ctetur pretium urna augue etiam risus acc um san volutpat urna, eusem per enim, est aliquam laoet urna fringilla viverra.

Mike Sendler

Review on Book 1

Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet conse ctetur conse ctetur pretium urna augue etiam risus acc um san volutpat urna, eusem per enim, est aliquam laoet urna fringilla viverra.

Charmaine Tobey

Review on Book 1

Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet conse ctetur conse ctetur pretium urna augue etiam risus acc um san volutpat urna, eusem per enim, est aliquam laoet urna fringilla viverra.

Delmar Byers

Review on Book 1

Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet conse ctetur conse ctetur pretium urna augue etiam risus acc um san volutpat urna, eusem per enim, est aliquam laoet urna fringilla viverra.

Shanna Margolis

Review on Book 1